Natural Options & Scientific Proof For Treatment Options Outside Of Traditional Medicine.

Interviews With Leading Experts in Functional Medicine & Alternative Healing Modalities.
Epigenetics & 4 Fundamentals of Prevention - with Dr. Michael A. Gruttadauria, DC, DACAN. One of only 600 Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologists in the world.
Why You Feel Worse Before You Feel Better - with Dr. Richard Powell, N.D, OMD, CAc, Ph.D. Naturopathic and Oriental Medical Doctor, Life & Wellness Coach, Acupuncturist & published author.
Reversing Diabetes & The Power Of Greens - with Sergei Boutenko, 28yr old diabetes survivor, raw food, green smoothies & wild edibles visionary.
Fatigue & Cleansing The Blood - with Laurel Sander, Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Nationally Certified Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist, Tui Na Spinal Alignment, Chinese Herbologist, Kinesiologist & Reflexology.
What Right Foods May Be Killing You - with Jeffrey Zavik, founder of Immuno Laboratories, one of the leading food & environmental allergy testing facilities in the world.
Nutrients That Heal & Diagnostic Thermal Imaging - with Jeannie Nelson; Certified Thermography Technician and Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner.
This series has quite literally changed my life! Before finding this, my diagnosis had left me feeling powerless, frustrated and very alone. The information has given me the ability and courage to take control of my own health and road to recovery. The personal account from the perspective of the partner of a sufferer, also helped me to understand the effect it has on loved ones and people around me. The lifestyle changes suggested for better health and wellbeing are now very much part of my daily life and are continuing to improve my Sarcoidosis diagnoses. I cant recommend it highly enough. Thank you.
- Harriet, Sarcoidosis Survivor
My daughter asked for this book to aid in her desperate--and so far successful--to overcome sarcoidosis, social anxiety disorder, and bipolar mood disorder. She is thrilled with the guidance and inspirational leadership provided. Thank you, Dani Walker, for your part in restoring my 46-year-old daughter to a healthy, happy, productive life!
- Sharon, Mother of a Sarcoidosis survivor
Against All Odds should be read by everyone! My CD57 level went from 30 to 59 in just 3 months using therapies taught in this series. The audios are filled with pearls of wisdom from recognized wellness experts. This is a MUST HAVE resource for those working to put their autoimmune disease in remission!
- Deirdre, Lyme Disease Survivor
I've fought Asthma for over 50 years. I bought this book and did 2 of the simple lifestyle modifications. Within 3 days I did not need my inhaler and still haven't for the past 3 months.
- Judy, Asthma Survivor
I really enjoyed this book. Dani seems to be such a "real" person. I thought this would be just a bunch of preaching about how to eat organic and so on. But they are just like the rest of us, they try to eat what's best but they fall off the wagon sometimes too. The book is funny and extremely helpful. I could relate to what they were/are going through because my husband has sarcoidosis. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to be healthier.
- Mary, Sarcoidosis Spouse
I've tried EVERYTHING over the past 22 years and your effective approach to helping the body heal has gotten me through my roughest days!
- Betty, Sarcoidosis, Diabetes, Uveitis Survivor
I feel like myself again! I can play with my kids. My husband and I thank you!
- Keasha, Sarcoidosis Survivor
This series is an invaluable resource for anyone willing to take responsibility for their own health. Lessons learned by the Walkers are applicable not just to those with sarcoidosis, but anyone suffering from inflammatory disease. Carefully researched and reported in an easy to understand way, the information is very accessible. This personal story, with a light touch, will inspire you to make your own choices and begin your path back to good health.
- Anne Warner, Sarcoidosis Survivor

Jack was diagnosed in 2004 with stage 2 Sarcoid involving his lymph, lungs and heart. After 3 years of traditional medical treatment we chose to take the holistic path and 18 months later he was in remission and has been since May of 2009. He is back climbing trees as an arborist. Something he never thought he would be able to do again!
Sarcoidosis, also called sarcoid, is a disease involving abnormal collections of inflammatory cells (granulomas) that can form as nodules in multiple organs.
Jack & Dani Walker: The Snarky Sarkie & His Sassy Spouse.
Real people who understand what it's like to be hopelessly lost in the medical gauntlet.
Dani & Jack have been helping people with inflammatory diseases for years & after much prodding, finally created this complete series! They write from their own personal saga of overcoming Sarcoidosis, including all that they’ve learned over the past decade. This information will help anyone use preventative methods to heal and/or stay healthy but it was intentionally written to help those lost in the mystery of Sarcoidosis.
Diagnosed in 2004, Jack has remained in remission using the methods shared in this series. Although it was a relief to have a diagnosis, Jack’s health continued to decline until he dared to think outside the prescriptions and started using alternative options. He enjoys cycling, rafting, and is back in the tree biz! Something he thought he would never be able to do again.
Dani has dedicated her life to educating & informing people of alternative options not yet offered by conventional medicine. She studies nutritional therapies and blogs about her added passions at
Are you a Sarkie with a blog, charity or foundation? email us about fundraising and support!