Welcome to Surviving Sarcoidosis! We are so grateful that you are here.
You may think I, Dani, started this website simply because I read a few books about Sarcoidosis. Well, it’s true! I’ve read every book available and most articles about Sarcoidosis over the past 10 years. But more importantly, I created SurvivingSarcoidosis because I care about the people who have to put up with this misunderstood illness and I too, have to deal with this rare and uncommon disease called Sarcoidosis EVERY DAY.
Sarkies are some of the strongest and most courageous, most generous people I know. Sadly, most Sarkies lose hope because there is so little known about this disease. Many feel like they know more about it than the Drs treating them. Unfortunately traditional treatment and complementary and alternative options are completely separate from each other. Even though science and clinical studies show that healthy diet, supplementing, specific nutrients etc are beneficial in arresting the disease, these treatment options are not transitioning into medicine. To make matters worse, there is no central resource to give guidance and hope. Until now…
Surviving Sarcoidosis: Your Sarcoidosis survival guide to improving your quality of life through, hope and healthy lifestyle changes.
Surviving Sarcoidosis Will Help You Take Back Your Life
At SurvivingSarcoidosis, we believe that people with Sarcoidosis are some of the most strong and courageous people on the planet. We believe that the love and support of this “tribe” is what determines the success and extent of our healing.
Our mission is to empower you to take back your health by thinking outside the prescription. We’ll share the best in Surviving Sarcoidosis practices from diet, recipes, supplements, non-invasive therapies, anti-inflammatory nutrients, energy healing options and more. All of these can be used in conjunction with traditional medical treatment but, as always, consult your physician.
We’ll also bring you insider stories with real Sarkies as well as research on important Sarcoidosis subjects like clinical studies, new research and interviews with functional medicine physicians. All our reports will be backed by proven science and credible sources. Like you, we’ve personally been through this battle and know how physically, emotionally and spiritually taxing it is.
If you’ve ever asked yourself “What should I eat or not eat” or “How can I improve lung fuction” or just simply “What do I do next?”, then you’ve come to the right place!
To join our community of Sarcoidosis Survivors, get the preview of Against All Odds. It’s free and informative!
Meet Jack & Dani Walker: A Sarcoidosis Survivor & His Sassy Spouse
We are a happy couple with a beautiful family who happen to have successfully dealt with Stage 2 Sarcoidosis since 2004. I, Dani, help people think outside the prescription to improve their health and the health of their families. It’s demanding but I love it. I do it to inspire and hopefully prevent other families from having to go through what we’ve been through. That’s why when I meet a Sarkie spouses, I see myself.
I understand the slow erosion and fear of the unknown that dis-ease causes. I know how scary it is & understand the relief that comes from having real guidance and options and seeing these lifestyle modifications transform my husband’s health. We’ve experienced the hardships that come along with illness, from always feeling like more can be done to fight but having no direction, to never turning it off the thoughts if “what if” in your brain and fighting what most of time, seems to be a losing battle.
And like many spouses of Sarkies, my obsession to find solutions started long before the official diagnosis.
When Jack was finally diagnosed the news was devastating. I was sad, confused, and scared about what would happen next. Thankfully, Jack never gave up and I continued to research. Almost 10 yrs has past & Jack has been in remission for more than 5 years. And here’s the thing: we’ve been witness to 100’s of Sarkies who have improved their quality of life using these and other similar lifestyle modifications.
That’s why I created SurvivingSarcoidsosis: I want to help Sarkies and spouses like you take back your life & regain hope. To start learning why I believe Education Beats Medication, subscribe below.
Enjoy This Preview Of Our Surviving Sarcoidosis Wellness Series
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